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Hunting Violations in Wisconsin
Deer hunting has long been a tradition in the State of Wisconsin. Hundreds of thousands of Wisconsin residents, as well as tourists,...

Wisconsin Harassment Injunctions & Temporary Restraining Orders
Wisconsin Harassment Injunctions & Temporary Restraining Orders: Temporary Restraining Orders, or TROs, are Court Orders that prohibit...

What To Consider After An Accident
There are certain steps you can take immediately after an accident that will strengthen your claim, help ensure recovery, and thereby reduce

Wisconsin Marijuana Laws and Penalties
Recently, the United States House of Representatives approved legislation that would decriminalize marijuana at the federal level and remove

Things To Know About Pardons for Wisconsin Felony Convictions
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has pardoned over 400 people in his three years in office. This means that over 400 people have had their...

One Of Wisconsin's Most Serious Misdemeanors
In Wisconsin, Endangering Safety with a Dangerous Weapon, is a Class A Misdemeanor. The term “Dangerous Weapon” extends far beyond...

Operating a Motorboat While Intoxicated
More sun and higher temperatures suggest summer is on its way. For many in Wisconsin, summer means it is finally boating season. Whether...

Estate Planning Series Part 4: Trusts
Trusts are often misunderstood. A trust is nothing more than a distinct legal entity created by contract. A trust is created when one....

Has Punxsutawney Phil Been Defamed?
Today is February 2—Groundhog Day—and for folks in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, it’s one of the biggest days of the year. Groundhog Day...

Estate Planning Series Part 3: Wills
When most people think of estate planning, the first thing that likely comes to mind is a will. A Will is a legal document that conveys your

Aaron Haller: Our New Shareholder Attorney
We would like to congratulate Attorney Aaron Haller on becoming a Shareholder Attorney at Levine Eisberner LLC! Aaron began his legal...

Disorderly Conduct in Wisconsin
Disorderly conduct is governed by Wis. Stat. § 947.01, which states: Whoever, in a public or private place, engages in violent, abusive,...

Estate Planning Series Part 2: What if You Don’t Have an Estate Plan?
If you pass away without an estate plan in place, you will have no control over what happens to your assets. Those who pass away without...

Estate Planning Series Part 1: Top Reasons Why People Don’t Have an Estate Plan
A 2021 survey conducted by and YouGov found that the Covid-19 pandemic has definitely increased people’s desires to get an...

Estate Planning Series: Introduction
As America embarks on its long journey towards a sense of normalcy after an incredibly volatile and unpredictable year and a half, it...

Libel, Slander, & Defamation - Oh My!
In Wisconsin, a claim for defamation may exist when a person makes a false statement of “fact” to a third person, causing harm to the...

Joint & Several Liability In Wisconsin
Wisconsin is what is known as a “modified comparative negligence state,” meaning that a plaintiff’s recovery will be reduced by the...

COVID-19's Impact On Contracts
On March 25th, Governor Evers’ Stay-At-Home order went into effect and ordered several non-essential businesses around the state....

Wisconsin Marital Property Law
Wisconsin is unique when it comes to determining who owns what in a marriage. Most states are common law states, which means....

Civil Legal Remedies Arising from Criminal Actions
Whether the criminal justice system succeeds in punishing a wrongdoer or not, many victims are left uncompensated for with physical,...
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